Route map for Tondai naatu divyadesams

Of all the 108 divyadesams, there are in all 22 divyadesams in Tondai naatu - 15 of them in Kanchipuram alone. One can easily visit all of them in 3 map to enlarge and click on the name of the temple to get details like how to reach, temple timings etc specific to that temple

Day 1 : Kanchipuram is around 80 kms from Chennai. One can visit all 15 divyadesams of Kanchipuram -half in morning and half in evening. Check the route map to visit the temples here.

Day 2 : Sholingur is around 115 kms from Chennai. Start early and finish Sholingur Narsimhar temple by afternoon..Rest for some time and visit Thiruvallur Veeraraghava perumal temple and Tiruninravur Bhaktavasala perumal temple in the evening.

Day 3 : Visit Thiruneermalai -around 22 kms from Chennai and go to Thiruvidanthai and Thirukadalmallai (Sthala syana perumal) divyadesams. In the evening visit Triplicane Parthasarathy temple.


chitra said...

I have seen last three. Should plan once I shift to Chennai..

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Thanks...Pls have a look at the subscribe via email tab on the right side bar in the blog

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